Our Free Business Growth Meetup events allow ambitious small business owners to meet each other.
At our events, small business owners share their challenges and give each other advice and support.
1. Our Business Growth Meetups start with welcome drinks, food and a chance to get to know people.

2. We kick the event off by reminding people of the ground rules – no selling and respecting confidentiality. Then we introduce a topic to be discussed, e.g. marketing.

3. We put people into carefully selected pairs. Attendees take it in turns to talk about their business challenges, and to give and receive advice.

4. We get back around the table so people can share any interesting findings from their pair discussion. We then introduce a second topic.

5. People pair-up with a different partner for a second discussion. They can discuss the topic we’ve suggested or anything else they want to focus on.

6. We finish by getting back around the table, share any findings and agree the next Meetup date. The WGB team keep the food and drinks coming!

The Business Growth Meetup is a great addition. A ‘no sales’ environment that is genuinely refreshing and allows business owners to share and bounce the challenges that are facing them off fellow owners. These informal events are made all the more enjoyable with the laid on drinks and food, including excellent home baked cookies. Well worth coming along!
Daf Wynne

The great thing for me about the Business Growth Meetup was being able to meet and network with a range of local businesses and receive peer feedback and insight on my business challenges in a friendly environment.
Garry Davis

If you would like to come to a Business Growth Meetup then click the button below to see our upcoming events and RSVP.