
What Is Business Strategy?

Business strategy describes some important concepts and actions that all small businesses should be aware of. This blog post will help you to cut through the jargon and get to the facts.

Is Business Growth Worth Investing In?

Why should anyone invest time, money and expertise in growing a business? What does investment actually mean? How is it connected to business growth? And importantly, when should you NOT try to [...]

Small Business Preparations For Brexit

Brexit events are changing by day. To make this article as useful as possible we will cover some general principles for running small businesses in challenging conditions, as well as offering a [...]

Why We Think Cash is King in Business

From Comet to Carillion, history is littered with high profile business failures – both large and small. What do most of these cases have in common? Cash – or more specifically, a lack of it.

The Customer Is NOT Always Right

Assuming it’s a matter of ‘when’ rather than ‘if’ you have to deal with the customer from Hell, then here are some tips to help you better handle the situation and to minimise your exposure.

Benefits of a Business Plan

For many small business owners, business planning is something that they feel they ought to do, but rarely find the time. Here’s a reminder of why you should try to find the time to do some planning.